外交译闻 | 汪文斌说的“做贼心虚、欲盖弥彰”如何翻译?

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2020/09/29






Global Times: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on September 24 told the New York Post that the US closed China's consulate general in Houston because its staff were engaging in espionage activities. He also accused China's consulate general in New York of engaging in "activities where they're crossing the line from normal diplomacy to the kinds of things that would be more akin to what spies are doing". He expected that the US Department of Justice will prosecute more cases. Does China have a comment?

Secretary of State (英)国务大臣;(美)国务卿;(美)州政府秘书长

consulate general  总领事馆

espionage /ˈespiənɑːʒ/  n. 间谍;间谍活动;刺探

akin /əˈkɪn/  adj. 类似的;同类的;同族的

akin to  同类,近似,类似于

prosecute /ˈprɒsɪkjuːt/  vt. 检举;贯彻;从事;依法进行 vi. 起诉;告发;作检察官


Wang Wenbin: Pompeo's allegations concerning Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in the US and their staff are purely malicious slanders.

allegation /ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/  n. 指控; 陈述,主张; 宣称; 陈词,陈述

consular /ˈkɒnsjələ(r)/  adj. 领事的

malicious  /məˈlɪʃəs/  adj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的

slander /ˈslɑːndə(r)/  n. 诽谤,中伤 v. 诽谤,诋毁,造谣中伤


It hasn't been long since the US unilaterally provoked an incident by flagrantly closing China's consulate general in Houston, to which China has made legitimate and necessary responses. Now it is again slinging mud at China in an attempt to justify its wanton acts. This shows a guilty conscience trying to cover up the obvious.

unilaterally /ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəli/ 单方面地

provoke /prəˈvəʊk/  vt. 驱使;激怒;煽动;惹起

flagrantly /ˈfleɪɡrəntli/  千真万确地;罪大恶极地

legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/  adj. 合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的 vt. 使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize)

sling mud at somebody  朝某人泼脏水

wanton /ˈwɒntən/   adj. 嬉戏的;繁茂的;荒唐的;无节制的;放纵的 n. 荡妇;水性杨花的女人 vi. 放肆;嬉戏;闲荡 vt. 挥霍

conscience /ˈkɒnʃəns/  n. 道德心,良心

cover up  掩盖,盖住,掩饰


It must be stressed that Chinese diplomatic and consular missions including the New York consulate general and personnel in the US always act in strict accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the China-US Consular Convention. They are merely performing their official duties in engaging with various local communities. It is all above-board and beyond reproach. If one is looking for a record of misconducts, some US institutions in China and their staff won't disappoint them.

convention /kənˈvenʃn/  n. 大会;[法] 惯例;[计] 约定;[法] 协定;习俗

above-board  光明正大的;诚实的

beyond reproach  无可指责;无瑕疵的

misconduct   n. 不端行为;处理不当 vt. 处理不当;行为不检

disappoint vt. 使失望


We urge the US to immediately stop smearing Chinese diplomatic and consular missions and staff in the US, stop gathering vaporous rumors and provoking trouble, earnestly fulfill its international law obligations, abide by the China-US Consular Convention, and provide convenience for Chinese institutions and personnel in carrying out their duties.

smear /smɪə(r)/  v. (用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹;(在某物上)涂;弄脏;诽谤,诋毁;(字迹、图画等)蹭得模糊不清 n. (尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化;诽谤;污点,污渍;(显微镜)涂片;(登山)不稳立足处

vaporous  /ˈveɪpərəs/  adj. 空想的;多蒸气的;雾状的

provoking  adj. 刺激的;令人生气的;激怒人的

earnestly /ˈɜːnɪstli/   认真地;诚挚地

abide by  遵守;信守;承担…的后果



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