一周热词 | 国家公祭日、素媛案罪犯出狱、中超限薪令、时代周刊年度人物、中国慕课第一

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2020/12/22


1. 国家公祭日
2. 素媛案罪犯赵斗淳出狱
3. 中超推出最严限薪令
4. 《时代》周刊2020年度人物出炉
5. 中国慕课应用世界第一


national memorial day

Sunday marks China's seventh national memorial day for more than 300,000 victims of the Nanjing Massacre, which took place as the invading Japanese troops captured the city of Nanjing 83 years ago.


On December 13, 1937, Japanese invading forces captured East China's city of Nanjing and carried out six weeks of mass slaughter, looting and rape.


A commemorative ceremony has been held at a memorial hall in Nanjing. China's national flag flew at half-mast to mourn the Nanjing Massacre victims as sirens blared in the city. On the streets, drivers parked their cars and honked while the pedestrians stood still. A one-minute silence was observed.




massacre  /ˈmæsəkə(r)/ n. 屠杀,残杀;(运动或比赛中的)惨败 v. 屠杀,杀戮;(在运动或比赛中)使惨败

slaughter  /ˈslɔːtə(r)/ n. 屠宰,宰杀;(尤指战争中的)屠杀,杀戮 v. 屠宰,宰杀;屠杀,杀戮;(在体育比赛等竞赛中)大比分击败,使惨败

loot v. (暴乱、火灾等后).打劫,抢劫,劫掠 n. 战利品,掠夺品;赃物,被盗物;钱

commemorative  /kəˈmemərətɪv/ 纪念的

half-mast  n.(表示哀悼或遇险下的)半旗 v. 下半旗 adj. 半旗的 adv. 离旗杆一半的地方

blare  v. 发出(响亮而刺耳的声音)n. 响亮刺耳的声音

honk  n. 鹅叫声;汽车喇叭声 v. (使汽车喇叭)鸣响;(鹅)


Cho Doo-soon released from prison

Cho Doo-soon, one of South Korea's most notorious child predators in recent history, was released from prison on Saturday amid protests against the malevolent criminal's return to society.

Angry protests near his residence threw eggs at him and shouted slogans calling for his execution or expulsion from the city, Yonhap News Agency reported Saturday.

Cho, who spent 12 years behind bars, will reportedly live in his old house in Ansan. 

The victim and her family moved a few weeks ago from their home which is about one kilometer (half a mile) away.

A bill proposing mandatory life sentences for child rapists has been introduced by lawmakers. But people dread the thought of a deadly criminal preying upon innocuous children. Even the fact that Cho will be tracked by a GPS device 24/7 has failed to calm frayed nerves.

Local police claimed they will monitor Cho around the clock and have "installed 15 new CCTV cameras" and "raised the brightness level of 30 street lamps" in the neighborhood.



notorious /nəʊˈtɔːriəs/ 声名狼藉的;臭名昭著的

predator /ˈpredətə(r)/ 捕食性动物;实行弱肉强食的人(或机构);剥削者;掠夺者

malevolent /məˈlevələnt/ 有恶意的;有坏心肠的

expulsion /ɪkˈspʌlʃn/ 驱逐,逐出;开除,除名;[正式]排出

prey  n. 猎物;受害者;受骗者 v. 萦绕心头,使耿耿于怀;捕食,猎获;欺凌,坑骗,敲诈(弱者)

innocuous /ɪˈnɒkjuəs/ 无恶意的,无意冒犯的;无害的,无危险的

fray  v. (使织物边沿)磨损,磨散;(使)烦躁,恼火 n. 打斗,竞争,争辩(尤指激烈或视为检验能力的)

around the clock 全天候


CSL to implement strictest ever salary cap

The strictest ever expenditure and salary cap will be implemented in all levels of professional leagues next season, the Chinese Football Association (CFA) revealed here on Monday.

In China's top flight, the Chinese Super League (CSL), the pre-tax annual income of an overseas player should be no more than three million euros (about 3.63 million US dollars), while the maximum salary for a domestic player is five million yuan (about 765,000 US dollars) per year before tax.

For a CSL Club, they may only spend a maximum total of 600 million yuan (about 91.74 millon US dollars) every year including a 10 million euros (about 12.1 millon US dollars) expenditure cap for all overseas player at the club. The average annual salary of their domestic players should be below three million yuan (about 458,700 US dollars).

In order to execute the policy effectively, the CFA demanded clubs sign new contracts with all players following the application of salary cap. For those athletes whose previous contract values are above the cap, their clubs could sign supplemental agreements to make up the differences within three years, which will no be included in the clubs' expenditure.



salary cap 薪资限额

expenditure /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/ 花费,消费,费用,开支;(精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗

top flight  n. 最高层,一流 adj. 最高层的,一流的


Time’s Persons of the Year for 2020

Time magazine on Thursday named President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as its persons of the year, citing the weight of the pandemic and racial injustice that will be shouldered by the history-making Democratic ticket.

Mr. Biden, 78, the former vice president under President Barack Obama, and Ms. Harris, 56, a U.S. senator from California who became the first Black woman and the first Indian-American elected to the vice presidency, will appear side by side in a portrait on the magazine’s cover on Dec. 21.

They edged out frontline health care workers (along with the nation’s leading infectious-disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci), the racial justice movement and President Trump for the distinction.

(英文来源:The New York Times)


president-elect  n. 总统当选人;已当选而尚未就职的总统

pandemic /pænˈdemɪk/  adj. (疾病)在全国(或世界)流行的 n. (全国或全球性)流行病,瘟疫

democratic  adj. 民主的;民主政治的;大众的

senator /ˈsenətər/  n. 参议员;(古罗马的)元老院议员;评议员,理事

presidency /ˈprezɪdənsi/  n. 总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配

side by side  并肩;一起;并排

edge out  挤掉;险胜;替代

infectious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/  adj. 传染性的,感染的(尤指通过呼吸);患有传染病;有传染力

distinction  差别;区别;对比;优秀;杰出;卓越;特质;特点;不同凡响;区分;分清;辨别;(尤指给学生的)优等评分,荣誉,奖赏


China tops world in MOOC application

China is committed to further opening up its MOOC resources and sharing its quality education resources with other countries and regions, Education Minister Chen Baosheng said. The country now ranks first globally in the number of MOOCs and viewers, he said.

By October, the country had more than 30 MOOC platforms and 34,000 such courses. A total of 540 million people had participated in massive online open courses, and 150 million university students had received credits through them.

To cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, all Chinese universities moved teaching online during the spring semester, with 1.08 million teachers producing 1.1 million online courses, he said, adding that this had laid a solid foundation for promoting the innovative development of online education and MOOCs.

(英文来源:China Daily)


MOOC (massive online open courses) 

credit  n. 赊购;赊欠;(从银行借的)借款;贷款;结余;(付入银行账户的)存款金额,贷记;有权索要的款项;称赞;认可;为…赢得荣誉的人(或事物)(电影或电视节目演职人员的)片头字幕,片尾字幕;(大学,以及美国中小学的)学习单元;学分 v. (给银行账户)存入金额;把…记入贷方;贷记(银行账户);认为是…的功劳;把…归于;认为…有(良好的品质或特点);认为…属(某种类或性质);相信(尤指令人惊奇或意外的事物)


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