外交译闻 | 华春莹引用的“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”怎么翻译?

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2021/05/19



Hua Chunying: The US diplomacy is quite consistent, with sanctimonious hypocrisy running through issues related to both human rights and vaccines. The US has been repeatedly touting its commitment to strengthening global democratic values, voicing its solidarity with one country today and another tomorrow. But can the US tell us how many doses it has exported to other countries including its allies? The US has 330 million people, only 4% of the world's population. However, it has purchased 2.6 billion vaccine doses, or a quarter of the world's total. While countries are trying every means to get urgently-needed vaccines, hundreds of millions of doses are sitting in US warehouses. US officials keep stressing that the US should stick to the approach of "America First" or domestic priority on vaccine distribution. The US also restricts the export of raw materials of vaccines. Such moves remind me of a line by Chinese poet Du Fu: "while meat and wine go to waste behind the vermilion gates of the rich, the poor is frozen to death on an empty stomach by the roadside."


外交部给出的翻译是"while meat and wine go to waste behind the vermilion gates of the rich, the poor is frozen to death on an empty stomach by the roadside",采用了直译的手法。

vermilion /vəˈmɪliən/ 鲜红的;朱红的

1. go to waste 指浪费掉、糟蹋掉;付诸东流;白费;未被利用


So much of his enormous effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop one hour of the film.


I can't abide to see good victuals go to waste.


2. the rich 富人

rich我们知道有形容词富有的意思,加上the可以表示富人这一个群体。英语中有很多这种 the + adj. 表示某一类人的用法,比如the deaf聋人,the strong强者,the jobless失业者,the wounded伤员等,这句译文后面的the poor也是这个用法。

3. on an empty stomach 空腹;饿肚子

empty stomach 直译为“空空的肚子/胃”,on an empty stomach 指的也就是空腹、饥肠辘辘这种状态。平常我们说有些药物不能空腹服用,也可以使用这一表达。



Never take this medicine on an empty stomach.



4. by the roadside 在路边


roadside的意思是“路边”。我们难以割舍的“路边摊”就可以译作roadside booths/ stalls。



The dead body was just dumped by the roadside.


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