
来源:网络公开素材 作者: 时间:2022/06/20





Once upon a time,a farmer was plowing his field when he suddenly saw a rabbit darting past and crashing into a large tree and dying. The farmer had no trouble eating the rabbit and was overjoyed. He thought,"How wonderful it would be if it were always like this!" So he stopped plowing and waited by the tree every day,waiting for another rabbit to be picked up from the tree. He waited and waited,day after day. The field was deserted,but he never got a second rabbit. Therefore,people laughed at him for taking the chance for granted.





Once upon a time,there was a man who had a flock of sheep. One morning he was about to go out to herd the sheep when he noticed that one was missing. He looked closely and saw a hole in the sheepfold. Apparently,a wolf had gotten into the sheepfold during the night and taken the sheep. The neighbour advised him to fix the sheepfold,but he didn't listen. The next day,he found that the wolf had taken another sheep through the hole. Remembering his neighbour's words,he quickly closed the hole and repaired the sheepfold. After that,his sheep were never taken by wolves again. The story tells us that remedying problems in time can prevent further losses.





Once upon a time,there was a farmer who thought that the seedlings he planted grew slowly,so he went to the field and pulled them up one by one. After returning home,he said to his family,"I'm really exhausted today!But I finally made the seedlings grow taller."When his son came to the field,he found that all the seedtings were dead. Now some parents are eager to make their children successful,and they often follow in the footsteps of the farmer. As a result,their children suffer a lot,and there is no improvement in their study. Should such parents realize this problem and let their children grow up naturally?

来源 | 网络公开素材


审核|肖英 / 


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