一周热词 | 南京居民楼火灾、韩国医生罢工潮、殷墟博物馆新馆开放、拜登体检结果公布

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2024/03/04


1. 南京建筑物火灾

2. 韩国医生罢工潮

3. 殷墟博物馆新馆开放

4. 拜登体检结果公布



Building fire in Nanjing

Fifteen people were killed after a building fire broke out Friday morning in Nanjing, capital city of east China's Jiangsu Province, the municipal government said on Saturday morning.


At around 4:39 a.m. on Friday, the local fire department received an alarm about the fire in a residential building in the Yuhuatai District. 


Rescuers put out the flames at around 6 a.m., and the search and rescue operation at the scene ended at around 2 p.m.


Forty-four injured people are receiving hospital treatment.


A preliminary investigation found that the fire erupted on the building's first floor, where electrical bicycles were placed.




residential building 住宅楼

scene n. 事发地,现场;事件,场面;(戏剧、书、电影等的)片段,情节;(戏剧的)一场;(戏剧)布景;活动领域,圈子;(某地方或图画中的)景色,景象;(当众)发脾气,吵闹;<非正式>同性恋者常去的社交场所

erupt v. 喷发;爆发,突然发生;(感情)迸发;(斑疹等)突然冒出;长牙



South Korea doctors' strike

Thousands of South Korean trainee doctors are refusing to return to work on Thursday, the day the government set as a deadline to end a mass walkout, warning that the young physicians' medical licences could be suspended if they do not return to hospitals.


Two-thirds of the country's residents and intern doctors have walked off the job to protest a plan to raise the number of students admitted to medical school each year by 2,000 in a bid to address what the government says is a shortage of doctors.


As of Wednesday, only 294 of the more than 9,000 trainee doctors who have left their posts were back at work, Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo told a briefing.


The young doctors who are protesting say the government should first address pay and working conditions before trying to increase the number of physicians.


The walkout has caused disruption at major hospitals which were forced to turn away some patients and cancel surgeries and medical procedures.




walkout n.(美)罢工;退出会场;谈恋爱 adj. 有出口的

physician /fɪˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 医生,(尤指)内科医生;抚慰者

walk off the job 罢工

in a bid to 为了,试图



New building of Yinxu Museum opens

A new building of the Yinxu Museum in Anyang of central China's Henan Province officially opened to the public on Monday.


Located near the archaeological site of the Yin Ruins, which is the location of the last capital of the Shang Dynasty (1600 B.C.-1046 B.C.), the expanded Yinxu Museum is the first national major archaeological museum to comprehensively present the Shang civilization.


The new building boasts an exhibition area of 22,000 square meters, where nearly 4,000 items or sets of cultural relics, including bronzeware, pottery, jade objects, and oracle bones, are on display.


The museum's old building was constructed in 2005. As archaeological work at the Yin Ruins continued to yield results, the building's mere 1,500-square-meter exhibition area became insufficient to effectively conserve and showcase the relics. This sparked the planning of the new building, and its construction began in November 2020.


The Yin Ruins is the first documented late Shang Dynasty capital site in China, as confirmed by archaeological excavations and oracle bone inscriptions.




archaeological /ˌɑːkiəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/  adj. 考古学的,考古的

boast /bəʊst/  v. 自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西) n. 夸耀;夸口

bronzeware  青铜器

oracle /ˈɒrəkl/  n.(古希腊的)神示所;(传达神谕的)牧师,女祭司;(古希腊常有隐含意义的)神谕,神示;能提供宝贵信息的人(或书);权威;智囊

oracle bones  甲骨(中国古代占卜时用的龟甲和兽骨)

oracle bone inscriptions 甲骨文



Joe Biden's results of annual physical exam released

US President Biden on Wednesday was declared "fit for duty" by his longtime doctor, who said that the president had undergone an "extremely detailed" neurological exam that did not turn up evidence of stroke, neurological disorders or Parkinson's disease.


White House physician Kevin O'Connor said that a team of doctors, including a neurologist, two orthopedists and a physical therapist, examined the president, whom Dr. O'Connor described as an “active 81-year-old white male.”


On Wednesday, Biden answered questions about the results of his exam with a joke. "They think I look too young," he told reporters during a round table with law enforcement officials at the White House. "There is nothing different than last year," he said, adding that "everything's great."

28日,拜登在白宫与执法部门官员举行的圆桌会议上,就此次体检结果向记者们开了个玩笑:“他们(医生)认为我看起来太年轻了。” 拜登说,体检结果“与去年没有什么不同”,“一切都很好。”

Earlier in the day, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, declined to give specifics about the tests Biden had undergone, but said that the president "doesn't need" a cognitive exam.


Biden has obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleeping disorder in which a person’s airways become blocked. Dr. O’Connor noted that the patient had been “remarkably committed to sticking with therapy” and sleeps nearly every night with a machine that helps his airways clear.


(英文来源:China Daily)


neurological /ˌnjʊərəˈlɒdʒɪkl/  adj. 神经病学的,神经学上的

neurologist /njʊəˈrɒlədʒɪst/  n. 神经学家;神经科专门医师

apnea /æpˈnɪə/  n. [医] 窒息,[临床] 呼吸暂停

airway  n.气道;(飞机的)固定航线

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