一周热词 | 神州十八号发射、学位法通过、高校禁床帘陷争议、美方返还38件文物

来源:译世界 作者: 时间:2024/04/28


1. 神州十八号载人飞船成功发射

2. 美方向中国返还38件文物艺术品

3. 学位法通过

4. 寝室禁止挂床帘引热议




Shenzhou XVIII successfully launched


(图源:China Daily)

A Long March 2F rocket carrying the Shenzhou XVIII spacecraft with three astronauts aboard blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China at 8:59 pm on Thursday.


After separating from the rocket and entering orbit, the spacecraft was scheduled to conduct a fast automated rendezvous and docking procedure with the Tiangong space station. 


It is China's first manned mission ever launched in April, which is typically the windiest and sandiest month at the launch center, so the meteorological staff analyzed April wind speed data from the past 10 years and mapped out multiple contingency plans for the launch.


Shenzhou XVIII is the 32nd flight mission of China's manned space program, and the third crewed mission during the application and development stage of China's space station.


(英文来源:China Daily)


blast off  v. (导弹、火箭、航天飞机等)发射,升空,起飞 n. (blast-off)(火箭、航天器)发射升空

map out 规划;详细制定;事先安排

contingency /kənˈtɪndʒənsi/  n. 可能发生的事,不测事件;应急措施,应急储备;应急开支;可能性,意外 adj. (计划或措施)未雨绸缪的,应急的




US returns 38 pieces of cultural relics to China


 China's Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism and head of the National Cultural Heritage Administration Li Qun (2nd R) and Matthew Bogdanos (2nd L), chief of the Antiquities Trafficking Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, sign documents at a handover ceremony of returned Chinese cultural objects at the Chinese Consulate General in New York, the United States, on April 17, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]

Chinese officials received 38 pieces of cultural relics returned by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office on Wednesday.


The handover ceremony, held at the Chinese Consulate General in New York, was attended by Li Qun, deputy minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, along with Chinese Consul General in New York Huang Ping, and Matthew Bogdanos, chief of the Antiquities Trafficking Unit at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office.


In his remarks at the ceremony, Li, who is also director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, said that the renewed cooperation between China and the US in cultural relic returns signifies mutual trust and progress in artifact repatriation efforts.


China will continue to actively fulfill the memorandum of understanding with the US on preventing the illegal entry of Chinese cultural relics into the US, and work with the US to establish a mechanism for information sharing on stolen relics, using the wisdom and strength of both countries to safeguard cultural heritage and promote mutual understanding through cultural exchanges, Li said.


Huang said the event is a positive implementation of the San Francisco Vision reached by the leaders of both countries in November last year and will greatly enhance cultural exchanges and friendship between China and the US.


This year marks the 45th anniversary of China-US diplomatic relations, and it is hoped that people from all walks of life in China and the US will continue to work together to promote stable, healthy, and sustainable development of China-US relations, said Huang.




cultural relic  文物

handover  n.(权力、责任等的)移交,移交期;(某人或某物的)交出,上交

antiquity /ænˈtɪkwəti/  n. 古代(尤指古希腊和古罗马时期);古老;古;文物;古物;古董;古迹

artifact /ˈɑːtɪfækt/  n. (尤指有文化价值或历史价值的)人工制品,历史文物;非自然存在物体,假象(=artefact)

repatriation /ˌriːˌpætriˈeɪʃn/  n. 遣送回国;调回本国

memorandum /ˌmeməˈrændəm/  n. 协议备忘录;建议书;报告

people from all walks of life  各行各业的人




China adopts academic degrees law



Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a law on academic degrees to optimize the awarding of such degrees.


The law, which was passed at a session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the national legislature, will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.


The law, consisting of seven chapters, stipulates the qualifications, conditions, and procedures for conferring academic degrees, including bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees.


The new legislation also clarifies the circumstances of rejecting or revoking academic degrees, including the malpractice of ghostwriting, plagiarism, and counterfeiting, and such offenses as grabbing enrollment in others' names and obtaining graduation certificates illegally.


The adoption of the law is expected to protect the interests of academic degree applicants better and ensure high-quality academic degree awarding, thus serving the building of a modern socialist country.




stipulate  v. 规定,明确要求 adj. (叶子,植物)有托叶的,具托叶的

confer  v. 授予,赋予;商讨,交换意见

malpractice  n. 玩忽职守,营私舞弊;治疗失当,医疗差错;不端行为,胡作非为

ghostwrite  v. 代写,代笔

plagiarism /ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm/  n. 剽窃,抄袭;剽窃作品

counterfeit /ˈkaʊntəfɪt/ adj. 伪造的,假冒的;<古>假装的,虚假的 v. 伪造,仿造;佯作,假装;酷似 n. 伪造物,赝品




Bans on dormitory bed curtains spark online debate



Bans on students using bed curtains imposed by some universities have sparked fierce debate online, with many students urging universities to not over-manage their personal lives.


The curtains, surrounding the bed and reaching up to the ceiling, are used by students to create a relatively private space in their shared dormitories.


However, several universities, including Xinjiang Medical University, Northwest Minzu University in Lanzhou, Gansu province, and Zhangjiakou University have banned the use of bed curtains, saying they are a potential fire hazard.


They also said bed curtains would make it hard for others to notice if a student had a health emergency.


The bans have met with fierce criticism online, with students arguing that there are other flammable items in dormitories and universities should not treat adult students as children.


Hashtags about the bans have become trending topics on the Sina Weibo social media platform, with most students disapproving.


Meanwhile, other universities such as South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, and Guangdong University of Finance and Economics encourage students to use bed curtains to ward off flies and other insects.


(英文来源:China Daily)


fabricate  v. 制造,生产;捏造,编造;组装,装配

purportedly  adv. 据称,据称地

widespread  adj. 普遍的,广泛的

impersonate  vt. 扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

administrative penalties  行政处罚

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