How to Stay Warm in Cold Weather

来源:译世界 作者:Belle 时间:2014/02/14

1.Check the weather beforehand. So you know it's going to be cold. But how cold? Is it going to rain or snow? What's the wind condition? All of these details can help you figure out how to dress and what kind of activities to plan. Check the weather on the Internet or simply flick on the television for useful information. The weather forecast is usually for the whole week, so you can be prepared for the cold days in advance. 

If you don't have a TV, computer, or radio, ask other people. Other people should know what the weather will be two or three days from now.
2.Think about the activities you're doing. If it's going to rain and you were planning to go to the beach, then don't try to go through with it. Sometimes it's annoying to have to cancel plans, but to avoid freezing and having a lousy time, you need to choose your activities sensibly. Try to do things that won't be affected by the weather. For example, anything indoors is fine. You could also do things that involve the cold weather, such as skiing or just playing in the snow.3.Dress appropriately. Now that you've checked the weather, it should be easy to dress well. If you're going to be out in the extreme cold, wear as much warm clothing as possible. If it's mid cold, try to dress in layers so that you can add or remove clothes throughout the day. If it's not too cold, try to dress in just a few layers and pack an extra coat or jumper. Some good items of clothing for the cold weather might include: 

* Thermals. You can buy thermal underwear in clothing and underwear shops and simply wear them under your clothes. Thermals are great for layers and extreme cold. 

* Fleece Lined Jeans such as Winter Blues Jeans which are warm but still stylish and prevent overheating indoors. 

* Long socks or leg warmers. These will keep your legs warm more closely, rather than just wearing pants and ordinary socks. Plus, nobody will see them when you wear pants. 

* Jackets. A good, thick zip up jacket is perfect for cold weather. It's warm, but also easy to put on and off. Get rid of those cotton jackets, buy a leather or a good 

* polyester jacket instead! Don't wear hoodies in extremely cold weather as this allows the wind to go through the fibers. without the wind chill, you will be a lot warmer, so make sure you have a windproof jacket. Try synthetics like Gortex that let your sweat escape if you are doing vigorous activities like skiing.

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